ClojureBridge Bangalore

Bangalore, India

12–13 March 2021


ClojureBridge is a beginner-friendly Clojure programming workshop for women. As a community initiative, the workshop is free of cost.

This is the 3rd edition of ClojureBridge Bangalore. The last one in Oct’19 had folks from varied programming; even non-programming backgrounds. This time around we’ll split into groups of Beginner and Intermediate. The intermediate group will have more challenging exercises to delve into.

You will learn fundamental programming concepts in Clojure through practical examples and exercises. Teachers and assistants will be there to guide you and help you build your first apps in Clojure.

The workshop is open to people who are completely new to programming, as well as existing developers new to Clojure. We organize attendees into small groups with at least one teacher and one assistant.

🏠👨‍💻 Fully Remote: The workshop will be held online, and attendees can join in regardless of their location. It will be hosted on discord where all attendees will be able to ask for help and volunteers will be able to assist them one on one.

Attendees must RSVP through the Meetup event page, as spaces are limited.

❗️IMPORTANT: ClojureBridge is dedicated to increasing diversity in the Clojure community – men are welcome, but only as the guest of a woman who would like to attend. ClojureBridge is emphatically queer and trans-friendly.

Additional Info

🗓Event Schedule

Friday 12th March, 6.30pm - 8pm: An overview of Clojure, demos and support setting up a Clojure development environment on your laptop.

Saturday 13th March, 10.30am - 5:30pm: Work through the Clojure concepts and carry out coding exercises in small groups.

It is essential to attend the Friday evening session if you wish to attend the workshop the next day. This prevents delays for other attendees during the workshop.

The content for the workshop will be derived from past workshops that some of us have experience running:

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Event Registration


Indiranagar Stage 1, Bangalore, India


We are grateful for the involvement of Sezal Jain and Nivedita Priyadarshini, who will host this workshop, and will answer any questions you might have before or during the workshop.

A huge thank you to our sponsor:

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